Odisha Public Service Commission General Awareness Question Paper

Odisha Public Service Commission General Awareness Question Paper 1. The nodal agency of Government of India for Administrative reforms is? (A) Ministry of Personnel (B) Home Ministry (C) Cabinet Secretariat (D) Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances 2. At present, how many states have Legislative Councils ? (A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 4 3. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited came into existence on? (A) January 1, 1998 (B) October 1, 2000 (C) August 15, 2002 (D) September 15, 2003 4. The Internet Subscribers in India till March 2007 were? (A) 10 million (B) 9·5 million (C) 9·2 million (D) 8·5 million 5. Coal?the main source of energy in the country accounts??of the country?s commercial requirement. (A) 70% (B) 80% (C) 65% (D) 67% 6. Who said??There is no future in any job, the future lies in the man who holds the job ?? (A) George Orwell (B) Thomas Fuller (C) Jawahar Lal Nehru (D) G. W. Crane 7. The difference between the beginning of Vikram Era and that of Saka Era (calendars) is? (A) 60 years (B) 80 years (C) 58 years (D) 90 years 8. Which of the following was famous for naval power in ancient India ? (A) Satvahan (B) Chola (C) Chalukyas (D) Maurya 9. Comptroller and Auditor General and Attorney General have been mentioned respectively in? (A) Article 180 and 78 (B) Article 182 and Article 76 (C) Article 148 and Article 76 (D) None of the above 10. Army War College is situated at? (A) Gurgaon (B) Pune (C) Jabalpore (D) Mhow 11. Aeroflot (Airways) belongs to? (A) Australia (B) Hong Kong (C) Russia (D) Poland 12. The first Indian to join the Indian Civil Service was? (A) B. N. Bannerjee (B) Satyendra Nath Tagore (C) Badruddin Tayyabji (D) None of these 13. The sobriquet??Little Corporal? is associated with? (A) Napolean (B) Lal Bahadur Shastri (C) Gladstone (D) C. F. Andrews 14. Russia?s highest military decoration is known as? (A) Military Cross (B) Medal for Valour (C) Victory Medal (D) Order of the Patriotic War 15. When was National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) set up ? (A) May 5, 1997 (B) August 20, 1998 (C) September 15, 2000 (D) January 9, 2002 16. Aqua regia is a mixture of? (A) One part HNO3 and three parts HCl (B) Three parts HNO3 and one part HCl (C) One part H2SO4 and three parts HCl (D) Three parts H2SO4 and one part HCl 17. A. C. is used in homes because? (A) It is safe (B) It is easily reproducible (C) It is cheap (D) It is economical in transmission 18. The Tattvabodhini Sabha was founded by? (A) H. V. Derozio (B) Rammohan Roy (C) Debendranath Thakur (D) Swami Vivekananda 19. The Chief Election Commissioner is? (A) Elected by the Parliament (B) Appointed by the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs (C) Appointed by the President (D) Nominated by the Prime Minister 20. Which dance is in the form of dance drama in Kerala and is usually performed in the open and lasts the whole night ? (A) Mohiniattam (B) Kathakali (C) Ottam Thullal (D) Kuchipudi 21. Author of the novel ?Madame Bovary? is? (A) Emil Zola (B) Flaubert (C) Kafka (D) Victor Hugo 22. The Chief Justice of High Court is appointed by? (A) The Governor of the State (B) The President of India (C) The Chief Ministers of the States (D) The Chief Justice of Supreme Court 23. The birthplace of which of the following English writers in Mumbai will be converted into a museum dedicated to him ? (A) Rudyard Kipling (B) Robert Browning (C) Jim Corbett (D) William Blake 24. Kuchipudi is a dance from? (A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Karnataka (D) Andhra Pradesh 25. The new Comptroller and Auditor General of India is? (A) V. N. Kaul (B) V. K. Joshi (C) D. K. Sikri (D) V. Rai OPSC Placement Paper Orissa Public Service Commission Previous Year Priliminary Paper- Forestry 1.How the crop is developed in conversion system ? (a)The two mixed crops are maintained. (b)Single pure crop is developed. (c)The crop composition is not changed. (d)This system involves a change in crop composition. 2.What is the scope of silvicultural systems ? (a) It is helpful in planting of new species. (b) It is a procedure adopted for removal of a forest crop at a given set of conditions and its regeneration. (c)Planting of exotic species. (d) It is used for developing non-timber forest produce. 3. In which States conversion from coppice with standard to coppice with reserve is mostlydone ? (a)States of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra forests (b) Orissa forests (c)Uttranchal forests (d)Manipur and Tripura forests 4. Which system will be applied if the object of management is production of fuel, small timber or even poles ? (a) Uniform system may be applied (b) Selection system may be applied (c)Clear felling system will be applied (d) Any of the coppice system may be applied with advantage of species which coppice 5. When the Forest Policy of India was formed first after independence ? (a)1952 (b)1955 (c)1958 (d)1988 6. In which Forest Policy the development of tribal people and forest villages was encouraged ? (a)Pre-independence Forest Policies (b) Forest Policy of 1988 (c)Forest Policy of 1952 (d)National Commission of Agriculture, 1976. 7. In which Forest Policy it was laid out that the India's forest cover should be 33 per cent ? (a)Forest Policies of pre-independence (b) Forest Policy of 1994 (c)Forest Policy of 1952 (d)Forest Policy of 1988 8. What is the major emphasis given in the National Commission of Agriculture 1976 ?. (a)Collection of forest products. (b) The development of industries like pulp, paper and panel products. (c) Cutting of natural forest for timber. (d) Collection of medicinal plants. 9. Who is granting forest clearance for major mining projects ? (a)Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India and State Government. (b) Only State Forest Department. (c)By the State Revenue Department. (d) By the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. 10. What are the main objectives of National Wasteland Development Board ? (a)For management of forests. (b) For cutting of timber and agro-forestry practices. (c)For afforestation of wasteland of the country. (d) For enhancing the productivity of non-timber forest produce. 11. Under which Act, the Government impose restriction on forest land for diversion to non forest purpose ? (a)Indian Forest Act (b) Forest Conservation Act (c)Indian Forest Policy (d) Indian Forest Bill, 1980 12. The basic objective of Joint Forest Management is (a) Involvement of local people in decision making in Forest Management. (b) Involvement of State Forest Department in Forest Management. (c)Involvement of NGOs in Forest Management. (d) Involvement of academic institutions In Forest Management. 13. The basic attributes which all agro-forestry system possess are (a)Productivity (b) Sustainability (c)Adaptability (d) All of the above 14. Litterfall and prunings of which of the following tree species contribute maximum ? (a)Poplar (b)Eucalyptus (c)Leucaena (d)Neem 15. Nutrient recovery in agroforestry compared to sole crop is (a)Lower (b)Higher (c)Same (d)Doesn't matter 16. How many eucalyptus trees will be planted in one hectare of land at a spacing of 4 x 2.5 m ? (a)1000 (b)2500 (c)4000 (d)5000 17. The original idea to assist rural poor in developing countries to use forests in their vicinity in a sustainable manner and to their economic advantages comes under (a)Forestry (b)Farm Forestry (c)Social Forestry (d)Agro-forestry 18.Scope of community forestry includes (a)Establishing woodlots for fuel (b)Establishing multipurpose trees (c)Providing fodder for livestock (d)All of the above 19. Alkaloid extracted from Sarpgandha (Rauwolfia Serpentina) is (a)Berberine (b)Rutin (c)Reserpine (d)Solasodine 20.`Calcium Carbonate' is added during making of (a)Cigarette paper (b)Drawing paper (c)Blotting paper (d)Printing paper 21. Which of the following grass is used for making ropes ? (a)Eulaliopsis binata (b)Hetero o on contortus (c)Panicum maximum (d)Pennisetum purpureum 22. Energy flow in forest ecosystem is always (a)Multidirectional (b) Bidirectional (c)Unidirectional (d) None of the above 23. Pyramid of Biomass in forest ecosystem may be (a)Inverted (b) Upright (c)Both (a) and (b) (d)None of the above 24. The art and science of growing trees is designated as (a) Horticulture (b) Silviculture (c) Sericulture (d) Apiculture 25. Which one of the Protected Areas is not a World's Heritage Site adopted by UNESCO ? (a)Kanha National Park (b) Sunderbans National Park (c)Nandadevi and Valley of Flower National Park (d) Manas Wildlife Sanctuary OPSC Question-Paper Orissa Public Service Commission -Forestry Model Test Paper 1.Seeds of which species is disposed by wind ? (a)Holoptelia (b) Teak (c)Diospyros (d) Oaks 2. What regeneration category the symbol `e' denote ? (a)Recruit (b) Woody shoot (c)Established (d) Unestablished shoots 3.What tending operation is carried out to produce knot free timber ? (a)Pruning (b) Thinning (c)Pollarding (d) Girdling 4.The seed viability period for Shorea robusta is (a)1-2 months (b)6-12 months (c)1-2 weeks (d) More than a year 5.Shorea robusta has a good seed year every (a)3 - 5 years (b)4 - 5 years (c)5 - 6 years (d)7 - 8 years 6.Even when the embryo is fully developed the seed do not germinate because it is not chemically ready for germination. This is called (a)Dormancy (b) After ripening (c)Hard seed coat (d)Seed viability 7.In the areas of uncertain rainfall what type of sowing method is followed ? (a)Ridge sowing (b) Patch sowing (c)Strip sowing (d) Ridge-ditch sowing 8.The approximate number of seeds per gram of Eucalyptus tereticornis is (a)1000 (b)100 (c)2000 (d)20000 9.Elite thinning is prastised in which tree species ? (a)Bamboo (b)Teak (c)Deodar (d)Salix 10.The principles of Forest Management are based on (a)Thorough afforestation of wasteland and degraded land. (b) Nation's Forest Policy and State Forest Policy. (c)Protection of forests from biotic activities/interferences. (d) By developing Village Forests. 11.The objectives of Forest Management can be met with (a)By a scientifically managed forests and adopting sound silvicultural practices. (b) By social forestry activities. (c)By soil conservation measures. (d) Thorough irrigation and fertilizers treatment of the area. 12.How the sustained yield of the forest is expressed ? (a)Sustained yield is expressed as the allowable cut (extraction) i.e. gross increment minus natural loss due to fire, wind, epidemics, etc. (b) Sustained yield is expressed after clear felling the forest. (c)Sustained yield is maintained by continuous planting the forest area. (d) Through the regeneration of forest by coppicing. 13.What are pre-requisites for sustained yield management ? (a)By removal of harvestable plants irrespective of any prescribed age. (b) Regeneration of area through coppice and cutting of forest at the end of harvesting period. (c)Planting and regular cutting for the area. (d) Sustained annual yield is to be maintained by a complete succession of equal areas of crop of all ages of maturity (say 10 years) and removal of 10 years old wood or mature wood annually (complete series of age gradation). 14.What is the normal forest ? (a)A forest which is kept uniform under uniform system. (b)Normal forests are over stocked with forest trees. (c)An area represented with all age classes and with uniform conditions of increment and stocking. (d)They are under stocked with trees and have medicinal plants. 15.How the normal even aged and uneven aged forests are distinguished ? (a)The forests which are worked on clear felling system. (b)The forests which are worked on age gradation basis. (c)Forests containing larger number of small trees than bigger ones per hectare mixed together (size gradation) worked under selection system. (d)The forests which are worked on coppice system. 16.What do you understand by Normal Growing Stock (N.G.S.) ? (a)Any increase or decrease in the income from the forests (b)The total volume of trees in a fully stocked forest with normal distribution of age classes for a given rotation. (c)Over stock mixed forest area (d)On basis of forestry practices applied in the area 17.How the growing stock is determined ? (a)By enumeration of the biodiversity of the forest area. (b) By preparation of inventories of forest areas, volume of trees and aerial photography. (c)By determining age of the forest crop. (d) By number of species growing in the area. 18.How the Normal Growing Stock (N.G.S.) is determined ? (a)By a formula evolved by Munger (U.S.A) based on Current Annual Increment (C.A.I.) (b)By the formula evolved by Fischer. (c)By counting the species density of the area. (d)By measuring the girth of the tree species. 19.How yield is regulated in irregular forests ? (a)Yield based on growing stock only. (b)Yield based on increment only. (c)Yield based on volume of growing stock. (d)By Biolley's "check method." 20.What are the objects for classification of silvicultural systems ? (a)It is based on systematization of knowledge and precautions against wrong use as well as directions to planned treatment of crops. (b)On basis of need for developing the biodiversity. (c)Enhancing the productivity of forest. (d)Developing non-timber forest produce. 21.What do you understand by the clear felling system ? (a) In this system soil is conserved, maintains natural soil flora and fauna; invasion of weed and grasses decrease. (b) A silvicultural system in which equal or equi-productive areas of mature crops are successively clear felled in one operation to be regenerated most frequently artificially. (c) This system does not involve formation of annual coupes. (d) In this system damage to new crop is involved by felling of older trees. 22. What are the objects of uniform system ? (a)There is no regulation of light and shelter against adverse climatic factors in this system. (b) Incidence for grazing and browzing is controlled. (c) There is high risk of soil deterioration and erosion. (d) It is a system aiming at concentrated regeneration in which the canopy is uniformly opened up over the whole area of a compartment to obtain uniform regeneration. 23. Which type of crop is there in selection system ? (a) Felling and regeneration is done in whole part of area for even age crop. (b) The regeneration operations are carried out during a part of life of forest crop. (c)All aged uneven forest crop is there in selection system. (d) There is no criteria for removal of undesirable species. 24. In coppice system coppice shoots originates from which parts ? (a)The coppice shoots originates from roots. (b)The new coppice crop originates from stool/stumps through callus or dormant buds. (c)The coppice crop originates from seed. (d) The coppice crop originates from branch cuttings. 25.What is the pattern of rotation in coppice with standard ? (a)It has two rotation one for coppice and other for standard. (b)For coppice only. (c)For standard only. (d)This has short rotation of seedling coppice.