SBI PO Exam - Solved Model Question Paper 16

Directions (Q.31-35) In these questions symbols @, #, $, * and % are used with different meaning as follows . 'A @ B' means 'A is not smaller than B' 'A # B' means 'A is neither smaller than nor equal to B'. 'A$B' means 'A is neither greater than nor smaller than B'. 'A*B' means 'A is not greater than B'. 'A%B' means 'A is neither greater than nor equal to B'. In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are defenitely true. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I is true Give answer (2) if only conclusion II is true. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or nor conclusion Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I or nor conclusion II is true Give answer (5) if both conclusions I and II are true. %==> < # ==> > *==> < @==> > $ ==> = 31. Statement N @ W, W # H, H % T Conclusion I. H%N II. T#W Ans : 1 Expl : (1) N @ W ==> N>W W # H ==> W >H H%T ==> H< T :.N> W>H<T
  1. Statements : F # R, H%R, L*H Conclusions I. F#L II. R @ L Ans : 1 Expl : F # R ==> F>R H%R ==> H<R L*H ==> L<H :. F>R>H>L
  2. Statements : J @ K, K%M, M#T Conclusions : I. K% T II. K@ T Ans : 3 Expl : J @ K ==> J> K K%M ==> K<M M#T ==> M>T :. J>K<M>T Conclusion : I. K% T ==> K<T (False) II. K@ T ==> K>T (False) Either I or II is true.
  3. Statements V * W, W$H, H @ I Conclusions I. V*I II. I*W Ans : 2 Expl : V * W ==> V<W W$H ==> W=H H @ I ==> H>I :. V< W=H> I Conclusions I. V* I ==> V<I (False) II. I*W ==> I < W (True)
  4. Statements L * P, P%V, V#D Conclusions I. L*V I I. L$D Expl :
  5. Directions
  6. (Q.36-40) These questions are based on the following information. Study it carefully and answer the questions. Seven members L, H, K, T, F, J and R represent different countries in Olympics viz. USA, China, Korea, France, Russia, Australia and Japan; each one competes for a different sport viz., volleyball, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Tennis, Boxing, Athletics and Football. The order of persons, countries and the games is not necessarily the same. K presents China for Archery. T represents USA but not for Velleyball or Rifle Shooting. The one who represents Japan competes for Boxing. F competes Volleyball but not for Korea. L represents Australia for Athletics. The one who represents Russia competes for Tennis. J does not represent Korea or Japan. R competes for Rifles Shooting. 36. D The one who competes for Rifle shooting, represents which country ? (1) France (2) Korea - Ans (3) Japan (4) USA (5) None of these
  7. Which of the following combinations is correct ? (1) J-Tennis-France (2) R-Tennis-Russia (3) R-Tennis-France (4) J-Tennis-Russia - Ans (5) None of these
  8. Who represents Japan ? (1) F (2) R (3) J (4) H - Ans (5) None of these
  9. For which game does T compete ? (1) Boxing (2) Foot ball - Ans (3) Tennis (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
  10. F represents which country ? (1) France - Ans (2) Russia (3) Japan (4) Korea (5) None of these
Expl: Member Country Game L Australia Athletics H Japan Boxing K China Archery T USA Football F France Volleyball J Russia Tennis R Korea Rifle shooting Placement Paper SBI specialists officers Reasoning questions for practice's model question for practice's aptitude Reasoning marketing professional knowledge questions for practice
  1. Each odd digit in the number 5263187 is substituted by the next higher digit and each even digit is substituted by the next higher digit and each even digit is substituted by the previous lower digit and the digits so obtained are rearranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the third digit from the left end after the rearrangement ? (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (5) None of these
Ans : (2) Expl: Given number ---> 5 2 6 3 1 8 7 After rearrangement ---> 6 1 5 4 2 7 8 Arranged in ascending order 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 so, the third digit from left end is 4
  1. Town D is towards East of town F. Town B is towards North of town D. Town H is towards South of town B. Towards which directions is town H from town F ? (1) East (2) South - East (3) North - East (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Ans : (4) Expl : According to question, H is South of B. Therefore the position of H may be between B and D or it may be South of D. So, the position of H cannot determined
  1. Among A, B, C, D and E each having different weight, D is heavier than only A and C is lighter than B and E. Who among them is the heaviest ? (1) B (2) E (3) C (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Ans : (4) Expl : D> A (B, E) >C D is heavier than only A So, (B,E) > C> D> A So, heaviest is either B or E
  1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word SEARCHES each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Ans : (4) Expl :
  1. If '÷' means '+', '-' means 'x', 'x' means '÷ ' and '+' means '-' then 15-8 x 6 ÷12+4 = ?
(1) 20 (2) 28 (3) 8 and 4/7 (4) 2 and 2/3 (5) None of these Ans : (2) Expl : 15 - 8 x 6 ÷ 6 + 12-4 = ? After changing the sign 15 x 8 ÷ 6 + 12 -4 = ? 6. Ashok started walking towards South, After walking 50 m he took a right turn and walked 30 m. He then took a right turn and walked 100 m. He again took a right turn and walked 30 m and stopped. How far and in which direction was he from the starting point ? (1) 50 m South (2) 150 m North (3) 180 m East (4) 50 m North (5) None of these Ans : (4)
  1. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters DLEI using each letter only once in each word ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Ans : (4) Expl : From starting point he is 50 m far away and direction is North.
  1. In a certain code TEMPORAL is written as OLDSMBSP. How is CONSIDER written in that code ? (1) RMNBSFEJ (2) BNMRSFEJ (3) RMNBJEFS (4) TOPDQDCH (5) None of these
Ans : (1) Expl : As, 9. In a certain code language 'how many goals scored' is written as '5 3 9 7'; 'many more matches' is written as '9 8 2' and He scored five' is written as '1 6 3'. How is 'goals' written in that code language ? (1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 5 or 7 (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Ans : (3) Expl : How many goals scored 5 3 9 7 (i) Many more matches 9 8 2 (ii) He scored five 1 6 3 (iii) From (i) and (ii), many (9) From (i) and (iii), scored 3 So, goals's code 5 or 7.
  1. Pratap correctly remembers that his mother's birthday is before twenty third of April but after Nineteenth of April, whereas his sister correctly remembers that their mother's birthday is not on or after twenty second of April. On which day in April is definitely their mother's birthday ?
(1) Twentieth (2) Twenty - first (3) Twentieth or twenty -first (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of the above Ans : (3) Expl : According to Pratap = 20, 21, 22 According to his sister = not after 21st April So, the birthday will be 20 or 21 April from both statements. Directions (Q.11-15) In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by your conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
  1. Statements All cups are bottles. Some bottles are jugs. No jug is plate. Some plates are tables. Conclusions I. Some tables are bottles II. Some plates are cups. III. No table is bottle IV. Some jugs are cups
(1) Only I follows (2) Only II follows (3) Only III follows (4) Only IV follows (5) Only either I or III follows or Ans : (5) Expl : Conclusions I. X ] II. X ] or III. v ] IV. X Either I or III is true
  1. Statements All birds are horses. All horses are tigers. Some tigers are lions. Some lions are monkeys. Conclusions I. Some tigers are horses II. Some monkeys are birds III. Some tigers are birds IV. Some monkeys are horses
(1) Only I and III follow (2) Only I, II and III follow (3) Only II, III and IV follow (4) All I, II, III and IV follow (5) None of the above Ans : (1) Expl : Conclusions I. v II. X III. v IV. X So, I and III follows only.
  1. Statements Some chairs are handles. All handles are pots. All pots are mats. Some mats are buses. Conclusions I. Some buses are handles. II. Some mats are chairs III. No bus is handle IV. Some mats are handles
(1) Only I, II and IV follow (2) Only II, III and IV follow (3) Only either I or III and II follow (4) Only either I or III and IV follow (5) Only either I or III and II and IV follow Ans : (5) Conclusions I. X ] II. v ] or III. v ] IV. v Either I or III and II, IV are true.
  1. Statements Some sticks are lamps. Some flowers are lamps. Some lamps are dresses. All dresses are shirts Conclusions I. Some shirts are sticks II. Some shirts are flowers III. Some flowers are sticks IV. Some dresses are sticks
(1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only IV follows Ans : (1) Conclusions I. X II. X III. X IV. X None is true