JKPSC Placement Paper

JKPSC Placement Paper 1. What is Fog ? (A) a cumulonimbus cloud (B) a low stratus cloud (C) a cirro stratus cloud (D) an altocumulus cloud 2. Plain formed due to filling up of lakes are called : (A) Delta plains (B) Flood plains (C) Till plains (D) Lacustrine plains 3. Isochrones are lines joining places with equal : (A) Longitude (B) Travelling time from a point (C) Rainfall (D) Frost 4. The other name for contour lines is : (A) Isopotential (B) Isopleths (C) Isohyets (D) Isohypse 5. Ritchie Archipelago, a collection of small islands is a part of : (A) Andaman & Nicobar (B) Lakshadweep (C) Maldives (D) Pondicherry 6. The Pacific Ring of fire is associated with : (A) Forest fire (B) Volcano & Earthquake (C) Oil well fire (D) Thermal Power Station 7. Which of the following has oldest rocks in the country ? (A) Himalayas (B) Peninsular India (C) Indo Gangetic plain (D) Shivalik 8. The Rocks in Himalayan system are mainly : (A) Sedimentary (B) Igneous (C) Plutonic (D) Dyke 9. Which of the following rivers flows through the rift valley ? (A) Ganga (B) Narmada (C) Brahmaputra (D) Krishna 10. Which place receives maximum solar energy in December ? (A) Kolkata (B) Delhi (C) Amritsar (D) Chennai 11. Of which major River System, Teesta forms a part ? (A) Ganga (B) Brahmaputra (C) Indus (D) Godavari 12. The disease called ?black arm? affects : (A) Bajra (B) Sugarcane (C) Cotton (D) Rice 13. Where is sandalwood commonly found ? (A) Tropical Evergreen forest (B) Tropical Scrubland areas (C) Alpine (D) Tropical Deciduous forest 14. Where is Wild Ass Sanctuary ? (A) Assam (B) Gujarat (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Rajasthan 15. Which of the following sanctuaries is known for Water Buffaloes ? (A) Manas Sanctuary in Assam (B) Periyar Wild Life Sanctuary (C) Kanha National Park (D) Corbett National Park 16. Which State is the leading producer of Coconut ? (A) Assam (B) Kerala (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Karnataka 17. What kind of soil is ideal for rice cultivation ? (A) clayey (B) sandy (C) clayey loamy of deltas (D) rich regur 18. ?Jaya? is the name for high yielding variety for : (A) Wheat (B) Rice (C) Bajra (D) Cotton 19. Where are Ambassador cars manufactured ? (A) Mumbai (B) Delhi (C) Kolkata (D) Bangalore 20. Which of the following is not a world heritage site in India ? (A) Kaziranga National Park (B) Corbett National Park (C) Konark Sun Temple (D) Valley of Flowers National Park 21. India borrowed the idea of Federal System with a strong Central System from : (A) U.S.A. (B) Canada (C) Australia (D) New Zealand 22. The power to form new State or change boundaries of existing State rests with : (A) President (B) Parliament (C) Election Commission (D) None of the above 23. Dr. Manmohan Singh, laid the foundation stone of India?s first Defence University ?Indian National Defence University? in the State of : (A) Haryana (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) J&K (D) Punjab 24. In which of the following years, a separate National Commission for SCs came into existence ? (A) 2000 (B) 2004 (C) 2002 (D) 2006 25. The Supreme Court consists of Chief Justice and : (A) Seven Judges (B) Twenty-five Judges (C) Eleven Judges (D) Thirty Judges 26. A group of three students wins Rs. 1,800 as prize. They wish to share the money unequally such that the difference in the amounts is the same. If the minimum amount obtained happens to be twice the difference in the amounts, the maximum amount is : (A) 500 (B) 600 (C) 700 (D) 800 27. The capital of World?s newest country the Republic of South Sudan is : (A) Akobo (B) Wan (C) Jubba (Juba) (D) Malakal 28. Which Article of Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgement or order ? (A) Article 139 (B) Article 137 (C) Article 138 (D) Article 142 29. The Supreme Court pronounced the theory of ?Basic Structure? of Constitution in : (A) A.K. Gopalan v. State of Madaras (B) Golaknath?s case (C) Keshavananda Bharti case (D) Minerva Mill case 30. The maximum strength of elected members in a State Legislative Assembly can be : (A) 250 (B) 300 (C) 450 (D) 500 JKPSC Placement Paper J&K PSC Previous Year Exam Paper for Assistant Controller 1. Microtomy is a technique which deals with : (A) Section cutting (B) Study of cell functions (C) The study of cell lineage (D) All of the above 2. Micrurgy is the art or science of : (A) Dissection under microscope (B) Dissection under aseptic conditions (C) Dissection under open air (D) None of the above 3. A micron is : (A) Millionth of a meter (B) Thousandth of a millimeter (C) 10?6m (D) All of the above 4. An autoclave is an apparatus to sterilize media and instruments at 15 lb pressure for 15 minutes. The temperature at 15 lb pressure inside the vessel is : (A) 111ºC (B) 101ºC (C) 121ºC (D) 221ºC 5. Penguin is mammal because it possesses : (A) Vertebral column (B) Mammary glands (C) Lymph glands (D) Memory glands 6. The number of bones in human body is : (A) 196 (B) 206 (C) 306 (D) 106 7. Which of the following is egg laying mammal ? (A) Bat (B) Whale (C) Duckbill Platypus (D) All of the above 8. Archaeology is the study of : (A) Excavation (B) Topography (C) Vegetation (D) Desertification 9. To detect criminals which of the following technique is most appropriate ? (A) DNA profiling (B) RAPD (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Chemo profiling 10. Golden rice is having gene for : (A) Disease resistance (B) Provitamin-A (C) Vitamin D synthesis (D) All of the above 11. Change in structure and function of living organisms with age is : (A) Adaptation (B) Degeneration (C) Metabolism (D) Development 12. Cryopreservation is the preservation of biological materials at : (A) ?111ºC (B) ?141ºC (C) ?196ºC (D) ?80ºC 13. Goitre is caused due to the deficiency of : (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin C (C) Iron (D) Iodine 14. Which of the following is true for the Cry gene inserted in Bt. Cotton for the development of resistance against the boll worm ? (A) Obtained from Gram + ve Bacteria (B) Obtained from Bacillus thuringiensis (C) Produces Bt. Protein which is not harmful to human (D) All of the above 15. The Nobel Prize in physiology/medicine 2012 is given to which of the following scientists ? (A) Serge Haroche and Shinya Yamanaka (B) Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka (C) David J. Wineland and Brian K Kobilka (D) Robert J Lefkowitz and Brian K Kobilka 16. The First animal to be cloned was : (A) Sheep (B) Donkey (C) Cat (D) Buffalo 17. Hygrometer is an instrument to measure : (A) Humidity (B) Density of Liquid (C) Absorption of water (D) Evaporation of water 18. Bat is a : (A) Mammal (B) Vertebrate (C) Chordate (D) All of the above 19. Electron microscope was constructed by : (A) Frits Zernicke (B) Z.Jonseen and H Jonseen (C) Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska (D) None of the above 20. In an outer space the sky looks dark instead of blue due to the absence of which phenomenon ? (A) Reflection of sunlight (B) Refraction of sunlight (C) Scattering of sunlight (D) Diffraction of sunlight 21. The founder of the Hyderabad State was : (A) Nazim of Bengal (B) Saadat Khan (C) Alivardi Khan (D) Nizam-ul-Mulk 22. Who of the following was not the Peshwa of the Maratha King Shahu ? (A) Baji Rao I (B) Baji Rao II (C) Balaji Baji Rao (D) Balaji Wishwanath 23. Pitt?s India Act of 1784 established six commissioners commonly known as : (A) Board of Control (B) Board of Revenue (C) Board of Trade (D) Court of Directors 24. The author of Tuhfatul Muwahidin was : (A) Altaf Husain Hali (B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (C) Raja Rammohan Roy (D) Munshi Naval Kishore 25. The famous ?Downward filtration theory? was advocated by : (A) Elijah Impey (B) Macaulay (C) Charles Wood (D) James Mill 26. The two major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization excavated by archaeologists are Mohanjodaro and : (A) Lothal (B) Kalibangan (C) Chanhu Daro (D) Harappa 27. Gautam Buddha attained nirvana at : (A) Bodh Gaya (B) Lumbini (C) Kushinagar (D) Sarnath 28. Megasthenes visited India during the reign of : (A) Ashoka (B) Chandragupta I (C) Harsha (D) Chandragupta Maurya 29. The Kailasa temple at Ellora was built by : (A) Rashtrakuta ruler, Krishna I (B) Pallava ruler, Mahendravarman I (C) Chalukya ruler, Pulakesin I (D) Satavahana ruler, Satakarni I 30. The most famous centre for learning during the Mauryan period was : (A) Nalanda (B) Bodh Gaya (C) Taxila (D) Ujjain 31. Vijayalaya, the founder of the Chola dynasty was a feudatory of the : (A) Chera King (B) Pallava King (C) Chalukya King (D) Satavahana King 32. The most detailed and authentic record of Samudragupta?s reign is inscribed on the : (A) Iron Pillar at Qutub Complex (B) Stone temple at Sanchi (C) Allahabad Pillar inscription (D) Brick temple at Bhitargaon 33. Which of the following scripts has not been used in the writings of Ashokan edicts ? (A) Aramaic (B) Brahmi (C) Kharoshthi (D) Siddhamatrika 34. The construction of Qutub Minar was completed by : (A) Qutubuddin Aibek (B) Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki (C) Muizuddin (D) Iltutmish 35. In his agrarian measures Alauddin Khalji was helped by : (A) Ain-ul-Mulk Multani (B) Sharaf Qaini (C) Zafar Khan (D) Alaul Mulk JKPSC Question-Paper J&K PSC Previous Year Question Paper 1. Which were the earliest cereals grown ? (A) Wheat and Barley (B) Rice and Millets (C) Millets and Maize (D)None of the above 2. Which is the port town of Indus Valley Civilization ? (A) Lothal (B) Kalibangan (C) Ropar (D) Mohenjo-Daro 3. Upanishads are books on : (A) Religion (B) Yoga (C) Philosophy (D) Law 4. The village community got a lot of power during the reign of : (A) Cholas (B) Mughals (C) British (D) Palas 5. Mahabalipuram was established by : (A) Pallavas (B)Pandyas (C) Cholas (D) Chalukyas 6. Which of the following is credited with the construction of first rock cut temples in South India ? (A) Pandyas (B) Cheras (C) Cholas (D) Pallavas 7. Which South Indian dynasty played an important role in TRIPARTITE struggle ? (A) Cholas (B) Rashtrakutas (C) Yadarvas (D)Pallavas 8. Samudragupta?s achievements are mentioned in the : (A) Kalinga Edict (B) Hathigumpha edict (C) Indica (D)Allahabad Prasasti 9. Who of the following is known for devising a method of locating geographical positions by means of latitude and longitude ? (A) Hipparchus (B) Aristarchus (C) Hippocrates (D) Eratosthenes 10. The remains of Vijay Nagar Empire can be found in : (A) Bijapur (B)Goleconda (C) Hampi (D)Baroda 11. The IQTADARI system was introduced by : (A) Balban (B)Qutb-ud-din Aibak (C) Iltutmish (D) Alaudin Khilji 12. Muslim scholar who accompanied Mohammad of Ghazani was : (A) Ibn Batuta (B) Alberuni (C) Amir-Khusro (D)Firishta 13. Whose work is Bijak ? (A) Sardar (B) Tulsidas (C) Ravidas (D)Kabir Das 14. Firoz Shah founded many cities. Which one of the following was not built by him ? (A) Jaunpur (B)Fatehpur Sikri (C) Hissar (D) Fatehabad 15. Krishna Deva Raya was contemporary of : (A) Akbar (B)Firoz Tughlaq (C) Babur (D)Allauddin Khilji 16. Which ruler of Magadha was a contemporary of Buddha ? (A) Chandragupta Maurya (B) Ajat Shatru (C) Bimbisara (D)Mahapedura Nande 17. Who was the advocate of the famous INA Trial ? (A) Bhulabhai Desai (B) Asaf Ali (C) Subhash Chandra Bose (D) C. Rajagopalachari 18. What was the chief programme of Swaraj Party ? (A) Council Entry (B) Satyagraha (C) Self Reliance (D)Quit India Movement 19. Who is remembered as pioneer of economic nationalism ? (A) Bipin Chandra Pal (B) Gokhale (C) R.C. Dutt (D)Madan Mohan Malviya 20. Who was the Congress President when India became free ? (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B)Jawahar Lal Nehru (C) J.B. Kriplani (D)Sardar Patel 21. Formation of Interim government set up on September 2, 1946 was first envisaged by : (A) Cripps Mission (B)Wavell Plan (C) Cabinet Mission Plan (D)None of the above 22. Mahatma Gandhi first adopted the strategy of Satyagraha as a political method at : (A) Durban (B) Johannesburg (C) Pretoria (D)Cape Town 23. Right Means and Right Ends as a twin policy of Ram Rajya was laid down by : (A) B.R. Ambedkar (B) M.M. Malviya (C) M.K. Gandhi (D)Swami Vivekanand 24. Hunter Commission was appointed by British Government to probe into : (A) Bardoli Satyagrah (B) Khilafat Agitation (C) Jalianwala Bagh Tragedy (D) Chauri Chaura incident 25. When did Muslim League adopt self Government as one of its objectives ? (A) 1919 (B) 1911 (C) 1912 (D) 1920 26. King George V visited India during the Vice-Royalty of : (A) Lord Ripon (B) Lord Curzon (C) Lord Hardinge (D) Lord Hastings 27. The minimum distance between the sun and the earth occurs on : (A) December 22 (B) June 21 (C) September 22 (D)January 3 28. On the day the sun is farthest to the earth, the earth is said to be in : (A) Aphelion (B) Perihelion (C) Apogee (D) Perigee 29.One Astronomical unit is the average distance between : (A) Earth and Sun (B) Jupiter and Sun (C) Earth and Moon (D) Pluto and Sun 30. On the surface of the moon, the : (A) mass and weight become lesser (B) mass remains constant and only weight is lesser (C) only mass is lesser (D) mass and weight both remain unchanged 31. A tide in which the high water is lower and low water is higher than normal is : (A) spring tide (B) neap tide (C) moon tide (D)none of the above 32. Which of the following will never get the vertical rays of sun ? (A) Srinagar (B)Mumbai (C) Chennai (D) Thiruvananthapuram 33. Where is the doldrum belt located ? (A) near equator (B) near polar areas (C) on the Tropic of Cancer (D) on the Tropic of Capricorn 34. Horse latitude is the term applied for : (A) 0-5 degree N & S Latitude (B)Polar circle (C) 30-40 degree N & S Latitude (D) 40-60 degree N & S Latitude 35. What is meant by the term ?nimbus? regarding clouds ? (A) a low cloud (B) rain imminent (C) drizzle expected (D) a hail bearing cloud JKPSC Question-Paper J&K PSC Previous Year Placement Paper 1.Which of the following is used as an explosive ? (A) Phosphorous Trichloride (B) Mercuric Oxide (C) Graphite (D) Nitroglycerine 2.The marine animal called Dugong which is vulnerable to extinction is a/an : (A) Amphibian (B) Bony Fish (C) Shark (D) Mammal 3. In the context of Indian Wild Life, the FLYING FOX is : (A) Bat (B) Kite (C) Stark (D) Vulture 4.Which of the following cricketers has smashed the fastest century ever in any format of cricket in April 2013 ? (A) Chris Gayle (B) Virat Kohli (C) Shane Watson (D) M.S. Dhoni 5.The giant Panda belongs to the same family as that of : (A) Cat (B) Bear (C) Dog (D) Rabbit 6.How much is one barrel of oil approximately equal to ? (A) 131 Litres (B) 159 Litres (C) 257 Litres (D) 321 Litres 7. Which of the following is a non metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature ? (A) Mercury (B) Bromine (C) Gallium (D) Rubidium 8. In an objective examination of 90 questions 5 marks are allotted for every correct answer and two marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions a student got a total of 387 marks. Find out the number of questions he attempted wrong : (A) 36 (B) 18 (C) 9 (D) 27 9.Among the following which one lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly ? (A) Echidna (B) Kangaroo (C) Porcupine (D) Whale 10. The release of which one of the following into ponds and wells helps in controlling Mosquitoes ? (A) Crab (B) Dogfish (C) Gambusia Fish (D) Snail 11. Among the following which is not an Ape ? (A) Gibbon (B) Gorilla (C) Langoor (D) Orang-utan 12. In which one of the following kind of organism is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation ? (A) Dragonfly (B) Honeybee (C) Spider (D) Pit Viper 13. Which one of the following parts of the pitcher Plant becomes modified into pitcher ? (A) Stem (B) Leaf (C) Stipule (D) Petiole 14. Which one of the following non-metals is not a poor conductor of electricity ? (A) Sulphur (B) Selenium (C) Bromine (D) Phosphorous 15. Which one of the following types of glass can cut off the UV rays ? (A) Soda Glass (B) Pyrex Glass (C) Jena Glass (D) Crookes Glass 16. Which one of the following does not contain silver ? (A) Horn Silver (B) German Silver (C) Ruby Silver (D) Lunar Caustic 17. Which number comes next in the series, 5, 16, 49, 104, ??? ? (A) 115 (B) 141 (C) 161 (D) 181 18. Wi Max is related to : (A) Bio Technology (B) Space Technology (C) Missile Technology (D) Communication Technology 19. Find the odd one out : (A) 144 (B) 289 (C) 312 (D) 625 20.Who discovered HEAVY WATER ? (A) Heinrich Hertz (B) H.C.Urey (C) G. Mendel (D) Joseph Priestly 21. Who among the following was a great musician in the court of Akbar a) Amir Khusro b) Tansen c) Ramdas d) Abul Fazal 22. Arya Samaj was founded by a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) Swami Dayanand Saraswati c) Swami Viveka Nand d) Gopal Krishan Gokhale 23. The congress session which gave the call for complete independence for India was held at a) Bombay b) Lucknow c) Calcutta d) Lahore 24. Khudai Khidmatgars were organized by a) Maulana Azad b) Abdul Gaffar Khan c) Mohammad Iqbal d) Liaqat Ali Khan 25. Diamond mines are located in a) Uttar Pradesh b) Karnatka c) Madhya Pradesh d) Gujrat 26. Of the following the busiest ocean trade route is a) Suez Canal b) Panama Canal c) North Atlantic Route d) Cape Route 27. Which one of the following towns is situated at the highest altitude? a) Lahasa b) Kathmandu c) Gartola d) Thimpu 28. Choose the correct capital and currency of Libya a) Manila-pesco b) Lagos-nyere c) Tripoli-Dinar d) Triploi-bahat 29. Chernobyl is known for a) Coal mine Disaster b) Tsunami c) Nuclear reactor disaster d) Earth quake 30. Who is the author of National Anthem of India a) Sri Aurobindo b) Rabinder Nath Tagore c) Bankim Chander Chatterji d) Mohammad Iqbal